Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Armour wars

Wich suit will win?
Will it be the mjlonir power assult armour from halo or the nano suit from crisis.Both suits have their own pros and cons. but  wich one is stronger .Both suits where designd  to make humans as strong as possible .So wich suit has the advantage?
Nano suit
The nano suit is manly made of semy organic particles.
The nano suit was  designd to be a very versitile suite that would allow its user to survive in harsh enviorments. The suit is armourd with a cloak device wich allows its user to blend into its enviornent.It also has an armour mode that allows its users to suvive an inmense amoun of damage for a limited time.The nano suit an also have an A.I on board wich allows the suit to run faster.
The down side to this suite is that it can't survive in outer space. It also has no other kind of shielding beside the nanos.One of the pros to this suite is that it can be worn by any kind of person so you dont have to be genetecly enginerd to wear this suit.
The suit also inhanses a human beings  abilitis.The nano suit makes the wearer stronger by ingeniring their  wearers muscels.The suite also makes the wearers  speed far beyond what a regular human could run.It also makes the wearer jump very high and survive very high falls.
Mjlonir Powerd assult armor
The mjlonir is a titanium plated  armor
The mjlonir was designd to give the wearer sleek and movable raw power wich would be able to survive in  the most harsh and sever conditions.The mjolnir ranges  in a wide arange of technology from sthealth to jet pack attachments. Some of the  attachments the mjolnir is able to wear is armour lock armour lock allows the person inside the suit to block the damege being done to it in a short period  of time.Another attachment the mjolnir can have is stealth stealth can allow the suit to be invisable for a period of time.
One of the good things obut the mjlonir armor is that it  can survive in the vacume of space with its own reachargeable power suply. The suite also allows the wearer to go without food for a long period time.One of the bad things about the suit is that the attachments do not come in the suit so in a fire fight you would have to look for an atachments. The other downside to this suit is that only a spartan=genetecly enginiard soldiors can wear this suit.
The mjlonir powerd assult armour melts into the subjects nervous system wich speeds up the suits respond time.Before the spartans put the suit on they go throug many surgical and genetic presedures wich increase their streanght,speed and agility beyond reagular humans.
Winner:Mjolnir powerd assult armor
While the nano suit is a highly versityle and strong suit the mjolnir is more ready and suited for a war

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